Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another fall.....

Today's the day I know that I had failed to secure the JPA scholarship. Sad.... devastated.... I just can't find the right word to describe my feelings right now........

Truth is, I kind of get over it pretty quickly, probably because I had this premonition that I won't get it earlier. Well, don't be mistaken I am not claiming I am a psychic of any sorts, just that the stats tell the story. I am going to be an actuarian someday, so statistics is something I have to believe in.....

To those who had failed, don't be too upset. This is just another hurdle that we jumped and felled. Instead of crying and sulking, let's pick ourselves up and come out stronger and tougher the next time. To me I have something to prove to myself, that I can succeed on my own..... and I will succeed, just you wait and see.

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