Thursday, January 27, 2011

Youtube funny videos

I just found out that youtube is actually not as boring as I used to think. Recently I stumbled across some very funny videos by a guy called KevJumba I think. I mean I find the videos he made freakingly funny. Not that I am promoting his videos but I never knew that youtube actually contains such videos. Haha.

Honestly, his video are really awesome as they help me destress after a day of examination - I just found out about his videos and I am having exams right now. The stuff that he talks about are just so typical, but the way he acts and says it out makes even the most common and predictable things funny. Haha.

I guess enough of me promoting his videos but really, you guys should really watch it. After a stressful day, a good laugh towards the end of it really helps.

Failure... A very painful thing to bear...

Perhaps I am just not as good as I think I am... Recently 3 of my applications to scholarship and universities were rejected. Shell rejected me outright, Cambridge rejected me after making me wait anxiously for 4 days thanks to their 'we are going to send you your results tomorrow' mail, and imperial just rejected me as well by offering me a biomedical engineering course which is like err.... The reason given - I am just not good enough I think. Alright, they didn't really put it that way but they might as well do that. I mean what's the difference right?

Honestly, I thought I am more mature right now and failures are easier to deal with. But it seems like no matter how many times I fail, each failure seems to be more painful than the last. Arghhhh, what is the matter with me? Why can't I get into any of the top universities? Am I just stupid? Or dumb? This is just so frustrating!!!!

Right now my options are really getting narrower and narrower and at the moment, I am really getting no where without any concrete offer from realistic universities. Sad isn't it? Haiz. I really hate to pity myself because it is just pathetic! You hear me pathetic! So just get over these and start working to improve yourself as a whole! Its not over yet. I am going to get something by the end of the day. I will!!!

Sorry peeps, this is turning out to be a self-conversing blog. But not many people read it anyway, so...

Anyways, I really have got to pull things together and just improve myself. Maybe I should work on my self-presenting skills and my English which is horrendous. Well, right now my A levels exam is going to finish next week and after that I have got to work even harder to secure at least a good scholarship and a good university placing. Singapore is my main target but who knows right? Not looking too far ahead though. Till next time...