Greetings people,
After a gruelling and crazy not to mention extremely crammed exam period, I am finally free yet again. I am just going to use the 'free' word loosely this time around because ah well, my first internship is coming up pretty soon and its freaking 4 months long. Thinking about all the stories that I have to tell, I guess it is very likely that I'll have to split all of that into a couple of posts.
Alright let's start off with my exams afterthought. This time, due to the extremely insufficient amount of time that was allocated to us (it's just 1 week of study break), I think I did pretty badly and there is even a slight perhaps moderate possibility of me losing my 25%. But it has all passed and there really isn't any good thinking too much about it anymore, I guess the lesson to take from this is probably that I shouldn't over indulged myself in overtly childish act for instance, dota-ing almost every single week when I am with my impulsive yet fun housemates. OH well, it's over so let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.
So, let's get to the chase. The main reason that I am spending some time writing this post. Looking back on the past year, it made me realised that by living together with my housemates, I get to learn a little more about all of them. Let's start with the one that we have been gossiping so much about. The totally immature, SY. I guess we can't really blame him entirely on his immaturity as we didn't really do much to help him attain the mature mind that can really help in diffusing his volatile girlfriend. Just to keep this into my archive, a really big fight occurred during my stay in Pelangi that involved a couple of my friends and from the looks of it, it all blew up due to the accumulation of little things that some people couldn't and wouldn't tolerate. I don't want to put the blame on anyone in particular, but I guess everyone played a part in the lead up to this disastrous explosion of temper.
After giving this whole episode a very deep thought, I realised that one thing that I couldn't quite live with is the fact that a guy can totally give up on his identity just to please the girl that he supposedly loves. Perhaps it takes a very long and arduous time for anyone to find their own identity, but it is a very important process that none of us can afford to ignore. Your identity is the thing that makes you who you are and nobody should ever take that away from you. I am never supportive of an early relationship because emotionally fragile people can get scarred forever if unprecedented things happen.
In life, don't ever let anyone take away the noble values that you have because we must always remember to change for the better and not for the worst. As friends, we are supposed to neutralised those unhealthy habits by constantly reminding each other of our flaws and not allow those bad and toxic habits to fester and turn us into monsters that we one day can't recognise. In his situation, he never should have left her to constantly throw a fit whenever she is not happy as that is just going to morph her into an uncontrollable beast in near future. And one definite thing is that he needs to grow up and fast. If he is constantly dictated, one day he will wake up and realised that there is nothing left of him in him and he has become her. As we all know one of the main excuse that one use for a breakup is that the other person has changed and is no longer the person that they know anymore. I am contemplating of talking to him about this but I am pretty sure that I can't do it fluently in chinese but at the end of the day I am just going to do my best.
Time for my lunch, I'll write more about how I got my internship next time as well as the happenings in my 2nd semester and whatever is it that I'll be thinking about. I need glucose now! Till next time then. :)
'Your identity is all you have, never lose or change it for anyone else, or one day you will wake up not knowing the person that you are in.'
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