Hi there again, it's probably been 4 months down the road of my eventful life since my last posting. Somehow, it seems like I tend to get the inspiration to blog a post whenever I start feeling a little lonely. Well well, let's start updating myself on the events that had occurred over the past 4 months.
Let's start where I left off shall we? Well, as mentioned before, right after my great Penang trip, came the most daunting part of all which is the internship. One might wonder why on earth did I use the word daunting right? No, it's not because I was nervous though I got to admit the first day is always filled with butterflies in your stomach. It's because of the most unexpected of bosses that I had met. Being constantly scolded for something that you can't do is really demoralising and at times it makes you feel so helpless. Being bombarded with derogatory remarks after that was confidence sapping and to add the icing on the cake, threats of being harmed physically came soon after. I guess the final straw was when a fellow intern was fired for an equally unreasonable excuse. I knew I had to bolt out regardless of what is going to happen to my industrial training report. Take the damn risk I told myself. Luckily and thankfully a course mate of mine came to my err rescue? haha, I guess being helpful and gracious to people is always a good thing, as they always say what comes around goes around.
Securing my second internship was really a huge sigh of relief for me I would say. Over there, I learnt quite a lot of important stuff even though most of it is just technical skills. But who knows right, in the very distant future or perhaps even not so distant one, those skills that I acquired might be my saving grace. Haha. As they always say, no lesson is a waste. Actually I made that up myself lol. But I truly stand by that.
Sometimes, I really wonder why on earth am I keeping a blog when my memory is so damn good, haha, believe it or not I can still remember the textbooks contents and my examination marks from my secondary days. But I guess, sometimes, we are all just equally afraid of age that catches up with us no matter how hard we try to distance ourselves from it. Lately I realised that I am having a little trouble remembering names. For some reason I am forgetting people's name even some of my cousin's name. Pretty weird huh? Maybe my bran is just slowing down due to the lack of usage of it? Haha, getting dumber by the day eh?
Oh yeah before I forget, there was that equally amazing and wonderful trip that I went to in the east part of my country to be specific Miri. Thanks to my friend P, we went to so many places and even another country (my 2nd overseas country) Brunei. Went to caves, waterfall, trekking jungles, singing karaoke, visiting another university and not to mention the super tasty food I guess the great part is that I learnt a great deal as well while I was there. Building a great rapport with my friends was the greatest thing I guess, even though I am totally annoyed with the bloody emo king, but well, who cares right when we all had so much fun and food. Hehe.
The third year of my semester has started, and well this time around I need to complete my third year project with a completely new lecturer who is a nightmare to everyone when he claims that he doesn't know anything. But I guess life can't ever be dull, not even for a second because that is the only thing that confirms that we are alive and kicking. Or maybe it's just me? Haha, who cares right? No one does, selfish is the word that my friends preach and well I am asked to practice it. But I don't have the conscience to do that. Perhaps people will brand me as a weakling but to hell with what people think. I have a dream, a vision where one day all mankind will help one another without pondering on the reward or gain that they will get in return of their deed. I'll just have to prove to everyone that you can be successful even though you are gracious and helpful to everyone.
I just care too much for ZH to leave him aside and watch him sink. I really can't explain why I am so attached to him, for god's sake he has a companion already so what am I hoping for? I really don't know, I can't suppress my feelings even though I know it's a gooner. So why? Haha, another puzzle to figure out.
Oh yeah, I need to figure out the mobile robot that I am going to build this semester. Most likely it's going to be a stair climber. I really do wonder if I'll ever going to complete this. Well, I guess I'll allow future me to answer this. Hehe. The game that I love to play. And of course by then, I hope that I have solved the puzzle to loneliness. Ah well, life is full of twists and turns and we learn the way to make them straight every time we crossed one of the twist or even turn.
Hate a little less, love a little more,
frown a little less, smile a little more,
even though it's filled with insincerity,
no one will ever see through the pain in your eyes,
or even feel the loneliness in you heart,
because life is such a puzzle,
that only you and you alone can solve.
Till next time then I guess, stay strong and smart and be nice to everyone, don't make enemies, make allies, sometimes, feelings are to be ignored to be effective. Remember that, my self....